Ever since the Internet was invented there have been many attempts to re-invent it or at least to re-shape it, the majority of which have never amounted to anything more than perhaps a fad, more or less annoying. Quite a few of those attempts have been led by marketers: an unusually stubborn, arrogant, and largely retarded subspecies of the human kind.

The idea of inexpensive ebooks has originated in the Internet marketing circles a long time ago, but quite recently it has been spelled out in a rather novel way by Jonathan Leger in his now famous ebook: 7 Dollar Secrets. It would be rather silly to maintain that there is anything original or secret behind the $7 price tag, no matter what some Internet marketers might want you to believe. What is, however, original is the idea of selling those ebooks. Every buyer of such an ebook can resell it to others. All he needs to do is use the same link he used to buy the ebook with his Paypal email address inserted in the link code. As simple as that! Brilliant in my opinion because this offers the simplest and the least expensive way for others to try their efforts in Internet marketing.

How can you do this$%: It is actually quite simple: get a blog (for instance, one of those offered by Blogger.com) or create a Squidoo lens, any of which can be done at no additional cost. And you can also create your own reports and sell them the same way others do. This is facilitated by the use of some clever script designed by Mr. Leger. (As much as this pains me, I have to admit that this fellow seems to have very little in common with retards. Must be a mutation...) This is, though, a bit more advanced part of the whole idea for it requires that you use a web host where you would install the script in question.

The beauty of this idea lies also in that the buyer gets to download his ebook right after he made a payment to the seller Paypal account. No more waiting for the seller to wake up, have a cup of coffee, brush his teeth, stretch his back... None of these things at all. Now, you may wonder what the original seller has to gain by letting others resell his ebook for the full commission. Well, he gets to build a list of future buyers and he can also offer them some more expensive products in addition to the ebook via the so called one time offers (OTO). You, as an affiliate, share 50% of those extra profits!

If you would like to create your own ebooks and resell them through the script mentioned above, you need to get the ebook that started it all. To only resell the ebooks created by others, this is not necessary. For this, however, a Paypal account is needed. Then, all you need to do is buy some of those 7 dollar ebooks, resell them and keep watching your Paypal account grow. Ain't life great or what$%:

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